A little something I wrote for myself.
Just the basic hand holding, being close, and light kisses on the cheek. Most people don't even think about it. Don't even realize that they are sharing it. It is something that sort of hides in the background until you realize that it isn't there. It is more important than anyone that has it realizes. I write this hoping to remember, when or if I manage to find this again, to truly realize how much it means to me. Laying in bed next to a girl who likes being there just as much as I do, in a silence, not of awkward nature, but of being completely comfortable in each other's presence.
That taking you and holding you for who you are-that is friendship. I have come to realize that is a rare thing, this letting people in and letting them be who you are because you heart has the room and the spirit of welcome. Friendship is a rare and beautiful gift. To find someone "who likes being there just as much as I do" is just plain gorgeous.