Sunday, August 8, 2010

For the writers.

July 20th, 2010

The ink on this page, the text on this screen, it is the window into my heart and soul.

I have been writing for some time now, but never put it into the public eye. I have noticed that since I gave been doing so, a lot more people speak with me about deeper issues. Quite a few more people hold this sense of respect for what I have to say, it is as if my opinion is slightly weightier. At first I could not figure out why this was, but then I thought about it, perhaps it is because I am putting a lot more of my feelings and thoughts out there. Other writers want me to peruse their manuscripts. I feel as if I do not deserve such praise and respect. My mind is boggled at the fact that people actually enjoy what I do. The best part of this or perhaps the most ironic is that I first started doing it purely as a form of release. In something I have read tonight a fellow author stated that, "You hold the power of gods within your words." I begin to suspect the truth behind this. I've recently been doing this as more than just a need to release. I've been doing this to spread hope, light, and laughter to all who might glance at my little attempts at writing. For no profit of my own other than hearing people laugh and watching them smile. I'm not perfect, but I will wield this godly power to the best of my ability. Words for the writers out there from me. Don't ever stop. Create pictures in the heads of millions. Become an inspiration to others. Wield your power for good. Last, but most certainly not least, thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. They are what keeps me posting all of this insane nonsense. I hope you all have wonderful nights. Please don't stop.

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